Groundhog prevention tips: how to keep groundhogs away
To get an idea of which methods work best to keep Syracuse groundhogs away, you first need to understand the animal. Knowing how
it's going to behave, what it is going to be trying to get will help you repel groundhogs from your property. We have all
seen the movie Caddy Shack with Bill Murray and his arsenal from the Apocalypse versus the groundhog from hell destroying
his golf course. Well luckily for us you don't need anything like that kind of arsenal to get rid of New York groundhog's.
Human beings in their activities are the main reason Syracuse groundhog populations have exploded, groundhogs prefers to live in a place
where if they stick their head out of their burrow they have a good line of sight in all directions so humans knocking down forests
and growing lawns has given them much more habitat to look at. But even for New York groundhogs there is a downside to this, groundhogs did
not like human beings, the smell of human beings, the noises we make or the pets we bring with us, knowing this we can actually use
it against the groundhogs and a lot of people do.
The first time I heard this I thought it had to be an urban myth but it turns out it's actually true, you have a groundhog living
close by who is gradually moving closer and closer to you and you want to convince him or her to move away, the easiest way is to
decorate the entrance to the borrow with human urine and if you have a dog and can convince it to urinate there as well the New York groundhog
will probably be gone inside a month. Now I'm not suggesting you go out to the on the Syracuse animals burrow but you can collect it and go and
pour it around the main entrance.
There are also numerous chemical-based solutions that duplicate defect of urine. They all seem to work as the Syracuse groundhog seems to be very
fussy about it's burrow and the surrounds. Building fences probably won't work due to their excellent climbing ability and obviously due
to the fact they can swim very well building a moat is not an effective option either. If you want to prevent New York groundhogs from coming onto
your property another effective way is to scatter human and pet hair around your perimeter, again another smell that they are proven to dislike.
To learn more about our services, visit the Syracuse wildlife removal home page.